AIG Identity & Home Title Theft Protection | APHW
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Identity Theft Facts

  • Up to 6 Months: Average time to restore a stolen identity.
  • $5,000: Average identity theft loss per incident.
  • 1 in 15: Americans becoming victims of identity fraud.
  • 33%: Amount of U.S. adults who have experienced identity theft.
Worried couple reviewing financial documents at the kitchen table, using a calculator and notebook to manage bills or budget.

Smiling customer service representative with a headset, providing support and assistance over the phone.

AIG Identity Theft Protection includes:

  • $1,000,000 Coverage: Lost or non-recoverable funds delivered right back to you.
  • 24/7/365 Toll-Free Response Center: Easy way to report a stolen identity and full instructions on what to do.
  • Full Restoration and Recovery Services: No tracking things down or contacting different agencies — AIG does it all for you.
  • FREE Monitoring: Register for 24/7/365 monitoring to catch suspicious activity in real time!

Home Title Theft is Real

  • Stolen Info: Thieves use your info to get home equity loans and then take off with the cash.
  • Accountability: Banks still hold you accountable for any money owed.
  • $103,000: The average home title theft loss per incident.
  • Not Protected: Identity theft programs, banks, county clerks, and homeowner insurance policies do not protect against home title theft.
Miniature house model with keys on top of hundred-dollar bills, representing real estate investment, home purchase, or mortgage financing.

Hands protecting a miniature house from falling wooden blocks, symbolizing home protection, insurance, or risk management.

AIG Home Title Theft protection includes:

  • Multi-Property Coverage
  • Primary Address
  • 2nd Homes
  • Vacation Properties
  • Mechanics Liens
  • Court Errors
  • Fully Managed Home Title Theft Recovery Services

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Existing Homeowner?

Existing homeowners interested in purchasing an APHW plan for their home or choosing to renew with APHW may become eligible for this AIG protection.

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