How Cody’s “passion for accounting” helped him steer into his dream career | America's Preferred Home Warranty Skip to main content

How Cody’s “passion for accounting” helped him steer into his dream career

Cody Wittman June Employee of the Month, smiles in a blue polo

When’s the last time you went for a goal and it turned out even better than you imagined? For Accounts Payable Clerk II Cody, it was just this month!

The road to APHW

After a 20-year career as a delivery driver followed by time as a supervisor in Merchandise Information, Cody and his wife made the decision for him to go back to school. “I have had a passion for accounting,” he shared. This choice led to Cody securing a role with America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) as an Accounts Receivable Clerk. 

In two short years, he’s earned just as many promotions, and now, Cody can add being APHW’s June Employee of the Month to his list of accolades. 

APHW has been an easy fit 

Cody’s experience at APHW started off great – and it’s only getting better. He stated, “I really like my team, the Accounting Team. Everyone is awesome and very supportive. It’s a good company to work for.”

Different aspects of the company culture, such as office birthday celebrations and our annual Family Fest, also make Cody feel welcome at work. “Family Fest is really cool. Most companies don’t do that, so it’s really nice,” he shared. 

Mentors and support help make things happen

When the email announcing Cody as Employee of the Month went out, he was doing the work that earned him the accolade – so much so that, “I was so focused on my work that my coworkers noticed before I did!” What a benefit to work somewhere where you’re celebrated before you even have a chance to celebrate yourself!

As he has progressed from Accounts Receivable Clerk, to Accounts Payable Clerk I, and recently to Accounts Payable Clerk II, Cody has had great coworkers and mentors along the way. Accounting colleagues Noel and Pharrah, “have both been great. They’re both good at their jobs, and they’re always there for me whenever I have questions,” Cody expressed. 

Not one to let the positivity stop with him, Cody also helps newer employees learn the ropes, saying, “We want everyone to succeed at their jobs. If they’re coming to APHW, we’re going to have their back and make sure they succeed; it’s very important.” 

Checking the rear view to move forward 

Though life came with twists and turns, Cody never counted himself out. He would tell his younger self to “forget about everything else and get it done,” but ultimately, he is “glad that he made it here anyway.” Keep dreaming and keep shining – you never know where you’ll end up!

For more information on how you can join APHW, explore our Careers page!