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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Your spring to winter home maintenance checklist

We’re nearing the end of the year, which means we’ll soon enter a new one full of maintaining, updating, and personalizing your home. It can be difficult to keep up with your major appliances and… Read More

5 ways to appreciate your home in this season of thanks

The holiday spirit is in the air, and America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) wants to keep the momentum going by showing gratitude in this season of thanks! We are thankful for you, and as fellow… Read More

House Simple: Tips for oven maintenance

  Code: 07JRTPPZXPKH4GIP This helpful how-to video is accompanied by the transcript below, which features additional information to make maintenance a… Read More

How to organize small appliances in a small kitchen

Is bigger always better when it comes to your home? It can be! But for many of today’s homeowners, having a small space makes their lives more cost effective and easier to manage.Whether you’ve… Read More

Make kitchen appliance care easy with these tips for routine maintenance

We all have our routines for cleaning the kitchen, but what about keeping your appliances in proper working order? Leaving kitchen maintenance as an afterthought can prevent our refrigerators and… Read More

Furnace replacement tips

If you’re stressing about having to deal with a furnace replacement (let alone figuring out how that furnace replacement cost will affect your budget), there’s good news—a little research goes a long… Read More

How much does roof repair cost?

You might think about fixing things up around the house, but are you prepared to repair or replace what sits on top of it? Roof repair costs can vary, and our guide can help you sort out how to… Read More

Quick fix tips for a drafty home

New windows or doors might not be in the budget, but a drafty home means higher heat bills in the fall and winter months, plus expensive and inefficient cooling during the summer. Keep your home… Read More
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