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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Can you (legally) pumpkin your home? Consider your local regulations

October is here, which means pumpkin season is in full swing! Pumpkins can be a fun and festive way to decorate your home for the fall, but before you start carving and decorating with them, you… Read More

What can go in the oven?

This is the time of year your oven becomes the most popular appliance in your kitchen. While you dust off those seasonal recipes, do you remember the last time you checked your baking dishes and pans… Read More

Tank v. tankless: Which water heater is right for you?

Wherever you live, having hot water readily available makes life much easier and more convenient. Whether you prefer gas or electric, we’ll explore the pros and cons of water heaters with and without… Read More

8 electrical safety tips for holiday lighting

It’s that time of year again! The streets are filling with cheerful (and sometimes spooky) front yard displays that seem to get bigger every year, with Halloween and Christmas as particularly popular… Read More

Every aspiring homeowner’s essential home inspection checklist

Becoming a homeowner is a significant milestone, and one crucial step of the process can save you from potential headaches and financial pitfalls down the road: Schedule or conduct a home inspection… Read More

How long does a home warranty last after purchase?

You’ve decided you want a home warranty for your home — Congrats! But how long does a home warranty last after purchase? Let’s dive into some possible options for the length of your home warranty… Read More

What does it mean when a buyer asks for a home warranty?

When you're looking to sell your home, you might come across various terms and requests from buyers — but what exactly does it mean when a buyer asks for a home warranty? Well, a home warranty is… Read More

Are home warranties worth it on older homes?

Homeownership already comes with its fair share of responsibilities — never mind when that home comes with some age to it. Are you debating whether or not you should invest in a home warranty for… Read More
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