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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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10 Things You Should Never Flush Down Your Toilet

Your home’s plumbing system is one of life’s most essential modern-day conveniences, but when it’s used incorrectly, it can cause major malfunctions that are expensive to fix. If you want to keep… Read More

What Is a Home Warranty and Do You Need One?

If you’re reading an article about home warranties, there’s a good chance you either own a home and are considering getting a home warranty, or your home came with one and you want to learn more… Read More

FREEZE! Or Better Yet, Keep Your Ice Machine Working

Ah, ice. If you’re lucky, you no longer have to fill trays with water, carry them to the freezer (without spilling) and wait for them to harden. You have a built-in icemaker working day and night to… Read More

Need to Write a Compelling Listing? Here’s How

Promoting your latest listings is a big part of being a real estate professional. But what if you don't think your writing skills are exactly where you want them? The experts at The Close are here to… Read More

Storytime: How Science Got Saved!

Let’s take a walk… 15-year-old Corinne burst through the front door and pushed it shut against the wind. It was bitterly cold outside, like the winter wind had a personal vendetta against anything… Read More

How to Cut Energy Costs to Help Your Home Budget

Owning a home comes with a few costs, one of which is your home’s energy bill. In 2019, residential homeowners paid an average of $115 a month – or over $1,300 a year – in electricity bills,… Read More

Storytime: A Dishwasher Disaster

Picture this… Jessica’s family of 6 finished another round of Christmas dinner leftovers, and the dishes—just—would–not—stop. Thank God for the dishwasher! She must have done 20 loads in the last… Read More

Please Help Spark Hope This Christmas

If you feel warm and safe this holiday season, please consider giving others a chance to feel the same. Kindle a spark of hope this Christmas—and give what you can to the local charity of your… Read More
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