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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Save on utilities with this DIY home energy assessment

Energy bills are a part and parcel of owning a home. According to, the average American household spends over $175 a month on electricity and natural gas, or over $2,100 a year! It may be… Read More

Home warranty or homeowners insurance? They work great together!

With storm season upon us, your home insurance may help in the event of damage from hail or wind—but it can’t help you if your home systems or appliances break down from normal wear and tear. That’… Read More

10 reasons new homeowners should get their first home warranty

Buying a home comes with plenty of moving parts. With so many recommendations from loved ones and online, it can be hard to determine which investments will pay off in the long run. If a home… Read More

Compare coverage: Homeowners insurance vs. home warranties

Many current and future homeowners are familiar with how homeowners insurance can save them money in the long run. But do you know the benefits of a home warranty? It can be difficult to distinguish… Read More

Contractor cornerstones: How to replace your furnace filter

We want you to have up-to-date, useful information about maintaining your home systems and appliances, so we’ve started interviewing the experts! To that end, I am pleased to introduce our “… Read More

Fall roof inspection tips to prepare for winter

Before the first snow, it’s important to check over the part of your home that protects you most: Your roof! Winter can aggravate existing roof issues (and your wallet), so follow these roof… Read More

Furnace replacement tips

If you’re stressing about having to deal with a furnace replacement (let alone figuring out how that furnace replacement cost will affect your budget), there’s good news—a little research goes a long… Read More

Storytime: How Science Got Saved!

Let’s take a walk… 15-year-old Corinne burst through the front door and pushed it shut against the wind. It was bitterly cold outside, like the winter wind had a personal vendetta against anything… Read More
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