Make a family fire safety plan

Most of us probably remember the organized chaos of school fire drills, and how quickly we learned how to shuffle out of the building and line up next to a designated tree or corner of the parking lot. Though most of us never had to use those skills to escape an actual fire, there was a peace of mind that came with being prepared.
As central as our homes are to our daily lives, it’s crucial for us to carry this mindset over to our households as well — especially in light of the nearly 380,000 residential fires are reported each year — which is over FOUR TIMES MORE than all other types of reported structure fires combined! Don’t get caught off-guard. Put your family fire safety plan in place to be ready for the unthinkable.

Home fire prevention
The best way to stop a fire is to prevent it from happening in the first place. National reports indicate cooking, heating, and electrical concerns as leading causes of house fires, so checking your fireplace, electrical, and smoke alarm setups are crucial to reducing the risk of fire in your home.
It’s also helpful to make sure your major home appliances are coverage by a home warranty so you can get help with repairs and avoid serious damage.
Kitchen fire safety tips
With kitchens often containing all three of these fire-causing factors, this room is one where fire safety is of the utmost importance—and you’re in luck! We’ve got a short list of articles to help you stay up-to-date on how to handle fire risks in your home.
- Your oven is a powerhouse that can become dangerous if not used or cared for properly. Stay safe with our oven cleaning and maintenance guide.
- Microwaves carry a lot more voltage than many homeowners realize. With our top tips for microwave care, you’ll have an idea of how much maintenance you can do on your own before needing to call a professional.
- Fire safety also applies to countertop appliances. Proper use and regular checks of your slow cooker and other small kitchen appliances can also help prevent a fire in your home.
Fireplace Safety
Fireplaces are the one place in your home where you expect flames, but that doesn’t mean it needs less maintenance than other areas in your house. Our gas fireplace guide will help you enjoy it while keeping things controlled.
Electric safety tips
Electricity is a fixture of daily life, but there are plenty of modern advancements that give you more control over your lights and electronics, whether you’re at home or miles away. Smart devices can help you limit electrical usage, which can lower the risk of electrical fire or damage while saving you money!
Smoke alarm maintenance
The only thing more important than correctly installing smoke alarms (or even better if they’re also carbon monoxide detectors) is regular smoke alarm maintenance. Our article gives you straightforward tips for easy smoke alarm upkeep.

Your family fire safety plan
Did you know that home fires are more likely than hitting a hole in one? Use our checklist below to make sure that your home and all the people in it know what to do (and what to grab) in case there’s a fire.
The US Fire Administration and offer fire escape plans full of preparedness and practice tips to help you and your family know what to do if you ever experience a fire. We’ve also added some home fire safety tips below to help round out your family fire safety plan.
Bonus tips for your home fire safety checklist
- Keep a bag of spare clothes, toiletries, and medicines in a detached garage or with a neighbor or someone you trust.
- Run fire drills in different seasons and at different times of day to give you more familiarity if the real thing happens.
- Don’t try to grab everything! Time is of the essence during a house fire, so get the people out of the house before anything else.
- Consider investing in a fireproof safe for the more precious items you want to protect.
Now you and your household have the information and practice you need to be prepared in the event of a fire! Let us know how you stay ready for emergencies on Facebook or Instagram!