Customer review: APHW claims are ‘No big deal’

When a breakdown disrupts your life, the last thing you need is more stress. So when Lawrenceville, Georgia homeowner Brian Rudd posted a Google review that America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) “made a potentially stressful situation into a ‘no big deal’ experience,” we wanted to know more. Here is his story:
“We came home to find that the garage door wouldn’t open, and that it was blazing hot in the house—the upstairs was like an oven.
“I’d purchased a home warranty through APHW, so I thought, Let’s see how this works. They opened up two claims and told me to call some licensed repairmen and have them come out. First to come was the HVAC company. He looked at what happened and said he didn’t have the parts, and I said, ‘Well, hang on a minute.’ I called up APHW, handed him the phone, and they had spoken for maybe five minutes when he said, ‘Well, okay! They’ll take care of it. I’ll go get the parts, and once the job’s done, they’ll pay me.'
“The next thing I know, the garage door opener company came out and told me our opener was shot, and was so old that it would be cheaper to get a new one. And it was the same thing: I got APHW on the phone and handed it to my garage door opener guy. They spoke for about five minutes, and he said, ‘Okay, I’ll be back with a garage door opener!’ Then he came back and made the repairs.
“Now I’m thinking, It can’t be that easy! You walk in the door on a hot August day, can’t get the car in the garage and it’s blazing hot upstairs—but talking to APHW’s people on the phone, they literally just had this very easy going, professional, assuring tone, like, ‘We’ve got you covered,’ and they literally turned a very frustrating experience into a ‘no big deal’ kind of thing.
“I think what’s most assuring for the contractors is that they’re being told once the job is done to the customer’s satisfaction, APHW can pay them with a credit card right over the phone. It’s no different than me handing them a credit card and saying thank you for your work. They were skeptical at first, like, ‘Wait a minute—I’m getting paid now?’ But both repairmen accepted payment that way.
“When I bought this house, I said I wanted a home warranty that’s reliable and won’t make a bunch of excuses. You see the commercials on TV and all that, but I did my research, and it just came up over and over through the Better Business Bureau and reviews online that APHW was the best on the market. I’ve only had to use them once, but it gives me a great peace of mind, knowing if something goes south, they’re going to take care of it. You can’t put a price on that.”
After his claims, Brian chose to renew his APHW contract on a monthly basis. “My thing is, if you own a house, why would you not use APHW?” he asked. “I’ve experienced other home warranties, and they don’t even compare.”
Call 866.589.5767 or visit APHW.COM today to discover how you can have the same peace of mind that Brian does.
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